
Friday 12 January 2018

Right Now January 2018

Some articles on Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) as I agreed to write a paper on that topic, which is due by Monday. See also: what I should be working on right now.

My bed clothes. I'm taking a sick day. Yesterday I woke up with some body aches and chills and watched as my temperature gradually crept up all day. It got as high as 104-105, which resolved with taking Motrin. Other than having a bit of a non-productive cough, I don't feel that ill, which makes me feel guilty about staying home, but someone else in the office who has similiar symptoms was diagnosed with the flu, so I reckon I probably have a touch of the flu and it's best that I don't get everyone else sick. This is only the 5th sick day I've taken in the past 15 years, so I feel I'm due.

Watching: Pig. Yes, seriously. We've been letting Kate watch it on Saturday mornings and I really enjoy it. She also gets to watch it when she's sick, so I figure that can apply to me too. I'm getting caught up with Life in Pieces. They just did a sketch about infertility (in a cartoon format) that was funny, yet very real and honest. Kudos to the show for addressing the topic.

The sound of an air compressor, a saw and some intermittent banging. We're having the siding on our house replaced.

I'm going old school and I'm trying to flush this virus out with fluids, so I have a cup of tea, a Naked fruit blend and two bottles of antioxidant fusion water. It brings me back a bit to my second retrieval (one of the 5 sick days) where I had to drink a shit-ton of vitamin water.

A packet of Fruit Snacks, after I told Kate she couldn't have them for breakfast, because I'm sick.

Loving: I was contemplating placing orders online, as they offer free delivery for orders over $75. I figure this would save me per shopping trip, but it seems that each trip, I find new products and it really saves so much compared to shopping at the grocery store. Plus, it's an activity to do with Kate, who loves to sample.

One more week until swimming starts again! The pool has been closed for over a month as the heating system needed to be repair. Will be glad to have it up and working as it's been in the 40s and raining. I'm also getting ready to sign up for the Cross.Fit Games.

Kate moves out of this whiny, clingy phase very quickly.

Yet another day of national embarassement known as the shit show of the 45th Presdient

To figure out how to use my Insta.pot. I have to admit, I'm a bit scared of it. The instructions specifically warn that it is not to be operated by children or anyone with reduced mental and intellectual capacity. I've cleaned it and set it up, but have yet to do a test run.

Oddly, about nothing in particular.  Other than the general troubled state of affairs.

Our vacations for the year. We booked our time share week to go to Hawaii in May! Now we just have to figure out when to go to England to visit my ILs and I decided I would take Kate to go visit my parents during her April break, but I'm waiting to find out when our swimming championships will be before booking my flights as I think they might be that weekend. I also want to do some CME conferences in a destination location

I just received an email for a Pre-School Open house. Our current Day Care goes all the way through Pre-K and we've been really happy with their program, but I've been wondering if I should know what other options exist. I recently saw a post by Bernie Sanders that quoted how the most crucial time of learning development is in the first five years and yet we pay Day Care providers so little rather than investing in them. I feel that Kate's current teachers really do a great job with their cirrculum. They are learning letters each week. This month they are learning about the solar system -I don't think I learned about the planets until I was in the 3rd or 4th Grade. They have music classes, soccer, yoga and Spanish lessons. Plus she's got a great group of friends and I've been getting friendly with the parents. Of course, I'm really questioning if I'm just keeping her in her current pre-school because it's so convenient for us and I don't want to disturb our current routine.