
Sunday 20 January 2013

Welcome ICLW!

Thank you for stopping by my blog! This is my second time participating in ICLW. I met so many awesome fellow bloggers last month, and I'm really excited to meet some new bloggy friends. Here is the cliff notes version of our story so far and my blog:
Husband and I started TTC in the Autumn of 2011. We had a few false starts, but as I work in women's healthcare, I figured it would happen quickly as I 'know what I am doing'. After only a few months, I became impatient and started using Clomid -still no success. In the meantime, my childhood BFF, Myrtle, practically conceived on her honeymoon and my cousin had a spontaneous pregnancy at the age of 41 while she was "relaxed" in Hawaii. Myrtle is the typical well meaning friend who tries to be supportive, but says all the wrong things. While my cousin, now a two time infertility survivor, forgets what it is like to be in those shoes. There are many posts that address my attempts to cope with their pregnancies, while struggling to achieve one of my own. So why can't the one in ob/gyn get herself knocked up? We discovered that my Husband has moderate male factor infertility and my ovaries are inconsiderate, inconsistent little bitches, who take pleasure in keeping up guessing. He's got limited bullets and I'm a moving target. We met with the reproductive specialists last summer and were encouraged when Husband was noted to have mild hypogonadism and was started on Clomid, with the hope of increasing his count. I kept joking that he was going to ovulate, but he didn't and unfortunately his count was only slightly improved. We received the verdict that we would most likely need IVF -possibly with ICSI, but could give IUI a good faith try for a few cycles. The day before I was scheduled to start our IUI cycle, I got a BFP. Yes, we were one of those stories you hear about. Unfortunately, I miscarried when I was six weeks along. There are many posts that address that event, as writing in this blog really helped me get though that difficult time. Logistics have prevented us from trying for a spontaneous conception in the few months following my miscarriage, so we're anxious to start IUI in February or March. We're planning to do 3-4 cycles of IUI, and if they don't work, will start the IVF process in Autumn after taking a few months to pause and see if we have the miracle conception that lets us avoid IVF. We're going to Hawaii in September (albeit with my parents and in-laws...), but everyone seems to be telling me it will happen there. I mean, no one is infertile in Hawaii -right?


  1. I'm not sure what happened to my last post...

    I am nominating you for the Liebster Award! You can visit my blog for the details.

  2. "He's got limited bullets and I'm a moving target" hahaha! Happy ICLW!

  3. Love this post. You are such a great writer. Lol. Sending so many thoughts your way as you get ready for your IUI!! Happy ICLW!!

  4. I hope that this is your year to conceive! Good luck from ICLW!!

  5. Wishing you all the best. Hi from ICLW.

  6. love all your metaphors! I need to look into ICLW it soudns like!

  7. So sorry to hear your story, but stay positive that this might be your year!

  8. Hoping the IUI in March does the trick and then you'll be pregnant in Hawaii. :) Happy ICLW.

  9. Happy ICLW! Here's to hoping Hawaii is fertile ground for y'all.

  10. Is your friend's name seriously Myrtle? If so... what a terribly ironic name. :( I'm sorry you're struggling.

    1. Ha! Myrtle is a pseudo name. It's been a struggle to conceive, but I don't feel that I am struggling! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. A trip to Hawaii is certainly cheaper than IVF! Lol!

  12. I hadn't read your whole backstory and I'm glad to have caught up. I'm really excited for your upcoming IUI. You probably won't be able to drink the fruity drinks in Hawaii, but it will totally be worth it.

  13. Hello from ICLW! Best of luck when you start your IUI's! Here's hoping you'll only need one and you'll be nice and pregnant by the time your Hawaii trip comes along! Thanks for sharing your story.

  14. Ha ha! I love that you call your ovaries bitches as well! I am not alone! Hawaii sounds fabulous... maybe a celebration trip!? Best of luck! Happy ICLW!

  15. Best of luck with your IUIs! Happy ICLW!

  16. Hey just relax in Hawaii! That's what you're supposed to do right? Good luck with the IUIs! My husband and I just did our first cycle this weekend. Here from ICLW :)

  17. All the best for your upcoming IUI's. After what you've been through in the past 12mths, a 'relaxing' holiday in Hawaii is what you deserve. #ICLW35

  18. Saw your comment on my post about IUI advice. I did back to back ones and tried to be as lazy as possible those two days because I have heard of women getting pregnant if they lied down a lot. Can't hurt right? :)
