
Monday 11 March 2013

Let the Sunshine In!

I am so excited about daylight savings time! Yes, we lose an hour of sleep, but I love what we gain with the extra daylight. I feel motivated to get more things done during the day and I end up being more productive. I love how it's heralding the onset of spring and summer. Longer days mean we can grill on our bbq and eat outside on the deck. I can start running in the evenings, which helps drop my race times. It's hard not to feel hopeful.

I felt that I had a few more reasons to be encouraged. At my recent visit with my RE, he used the word "optimistic" to describe our prospects for pregnancy as we start treatments. We had achieved a spontaneous pregnancy (albeit, unsuccessful) and the uterine septum was no longer a concerning issue. I tend to take these comments with the proverbial grain of salt; but I did note that he outlined doing 3-4 IUI cycles, where previously he had advised only doing 2 maybe 3. I'm probably inferring a bit, but this might imply that he thinks IUI could actually work. Today I got a call from the mail order pharmacy to make arrangements to ship my Ovidrel and progesterone supplements. I didn't know how excited I could become about receiving an injection and suppositories to put up my hoo-ha; but this is what infertility will do for you. After being benched for so long, I'm inspired by anything that brings us closer to attempting conception again. Just waiting on you AF...this is your moment in the sun...all you have to do is show up in a timely manner.

I'm also feeling quite reassured as my blood pressure has responded to my medication and normalised quickly. I held my pill the morning of my run and when I was flying out to the east coast for a meeting and noted that the readings were nearly normal (130/90) without taking my meds. While not trying to look too far ahead, I'm hoping that I may be able to stop the medication in a few weeks. There was only one event that could potentially burst my bubble of positive energy. Myrtle and I had arranged to talk while we were in the same timezone. I was looking forward to chatting with her, as the last time we spoke on the phone was when I called to thank her for sending me flowers on Valentine's Day, which is hard to believe was nearly a month ago, as it feels like it was just last week.    
However, I was dreading having to give her the fertility update. I've decided that I will only bring it up when she asks, and I had the feeling she would be enquiring. I was anticipating the frustration of having to explain the difference between IUI and IVF to her AGAIN (7th time for the record) and I could imagine her saying something like "Oh, the turkey baster method!" It struck me that I could probably read the same turkey baster comment on a fellow infertility blog and not be bothered at all, or even laugh, but it would seem so insensitive to hear such a comment from Myrtle.

Sure enough, she asked, "How are things going in 'that department?'" It gives me pause to observe how others enquire about the fertility process. Non Sequitur Chica described how her father refers to her "treatments"  as if she were going through cancer therapy. I do realise that it's not exactly easy to approach a friend and say "So, how are things with your infertility?" but there must be a more tactful and gentle way to broach the subject. I reported that my surgery went well and we were cleared to start again with my next cycle. "So, now you and Husband just have to manage to stay in the same place." Um-hmm. It was willful blindness. I just let her think we would be trying to conceive on our own. So much easier that way.


  1. I love it when we have more daylight as well. It feels like you can get more done! I love that you are so excited to get things going! I can't wait to read about it. Hoping it will only take this one more cycle!

  2. I'm glad your blood pressure is responding well to the meds! And I know what you mean, lots of times I just let people draw their own conclusions rather than having to explain IVF in detail. I hope this IUI is successful for you :)

    1. Just think you'll be able to tell people " we conceived in Cancun" it's 100% true and no one would know otherwise!

  3. I love, love, love daylight savings time. Sorry Myrtle is so clueless. But so excited you are getting started soon. C'mon AF!!!

    1. Actually it might be easier to keep her in the dark, if we do conceive I may not tell her how

  4. I am enjoying the lighter skies right now! I know how you feel, having to explain procedures over and over and over. Ugh. It's tough. I just did an IUI. Thinking about you as you do yours <3

    1. Sorry that you have to deal with it too, it's so frustrating and C'mon people it's not that hard to understand. So hoping the third time is the charm for you!

  5. Part of me thinks that if Myrtle was a better friend she'd bother trying to remember what you tell her, especially when it's so important to you. Perhaps you could consider telling her that it's hard on you to have to explain it every time?

    1. Thanks for saying that, I've had those thoughts but others have reminded me that she is a new mom, this is what I do so I'm versed with it...but seriously given all the times I've explained it, I would think one would stick. I'm finding that it might be better just to keep her in the dark

  6. I am the opposite! I like to get up early and go to bed early - and I am annoyed that it is still dark out when I wake up this week! lol! Good for you for using it for an evening run!

    so glad to hear of your docs optimisms and your positive energy this week! combined with your controlled BP you have lots of reason to be in a good mood!

  7. It's been so nice to still have light outside when I get done with work- makes me excited for spring! I have also started to see the beginnings of the tulips and other spring flowers popping out of the ground!

    Come on AF! Mama's got a plan and wants to start using it!

    My dad is so silly.... :-)

    1. He sounds sweet, I think it's normal for a dad to be a little weirded out by anything involving the lady bits!

  8. So happy Spring is almost here. Glad you are feeling encouraged. :)

  9. how funny...I love daylight savings too, but I'm a morning runner and am very sad when the early morning daylight is gone. Let's just say that Monday's run was a bit more tough than it's been!

    Thanks for the tip on the Bridge to Bridge run. I know they've changed the name a few times, but I can't keep up!
