
Thursday 28 May 2015

Out and Proud

A few nights ago, it was a rare occasion when Husband and I were at the gym at the same time. As we were waiting for the class to start, a guy who is probably in his early 40s came up to Husband and patted his shoulder. "So, I see your boys can swim!" he declared as he nodded in my direction.

I silently groaned. I hate that expression, but not as much as I detest the phrase 'shooting blanks'.

Without hesitating for a second, Husband set him straight.
"No." he corrected. "They were placed. Injected right into the egg."

Then, true to his nature, Husband had turn it into a joke.
"You see, they thought they were back in England and were driving on the left side of the road. Couldn't get to where they needed to go. In the end, they had to be air-lifted."

I was bursting with pride. His openness and honest disclosure made me love him a little more.

"Me too." the other guy admitted with some candour of his own. "'I'm in the same boat."

I wish they could have chatted some more, but it time to start the class. I hope they pick up the conversation again in the future. In a gym, a temple of masculinity and testosterone, two men were discussing their issues with male factor infertility. I often pause to reflect on my personal growth during our infertility journey, but I often don't give enough recognition to the progress Husband has made. It's hard to believe that someone who was once mortified at the thought that his efforts toward procreating would involve wanking into a plastic cup; is now out and proud.


  1. AWWW good job Husband! So proud of him. :) It's tough to do. And he did it!

  2. That's awesome. I love the comeback! and how interesting that the fellow that made the corny comment could relate, after all.

  3. It's great when the guys are on our level with this stuff too. My husband talks about it with a couple of guys at work who are also dealing with the same issues and have gone through IVF.

  4. That is so great! I hadn't realised Andino had been telling his friends that we used donor sperm and when he told me, I was so proud.

  5. That is so great! I hadn't realised Andino had been telling his friends that we used donor sperm and when he told me, I was so proud.

  6. That's is hilariously awesome! Out and proud. I love it.

    1. Dangit. I hate typos!!! "THAT is hilariously awesome!" :)

  7. Love it! Love his comeback and love that the guy said he was going through something similar. I love when you find others out in public. :)

  8. That's awesome! I can't imagine my husband ever doing that with a complete stranger. It's weird that the stranger would make a comment like "So your boys can swim" if he is going through MFI too.

  9. It may just be the sleep deprivation talking, but this actually brought a little tear to my eye. Good for hubby!

  10. Wow, that's cool. Good for him for handling the situation!

  11. I think it's so great when men can open up and talk about this. Even if it was just a short conversation, it has to be nice for them both to know they aren't alone. And to have that conversation in a gym no less!

  12. What a sign of confidence in himself! That's so fantastic!

  13. Oh how I just love this! What a great hubby you have!

  14. That's just great! I love that your husband, and this random gym guy were so comfortable talking about this! Awesome.
