
Third Trimester Bump

27 Weeks
Guest Appearance by Tyler!

28 Weeks
Does the bump actually make my ass look smaller?

29 Weeks
I'm 29 again!

30 Weeks
The BIG 3-0

31 Weeks
Photo bombed by Tyler again

32 Weeks
Jate's transverse presentation exaggerates the bump

33 Weeks
Tyler thinks he has a bump too...

34 Weeks
Now in a cephalic presentation!

35 Weeks
...and back to transverse...

36 Weeks
How are these clothes still fitting?

37 Weeks
Full Term!

38 Weeks
Could be any day now...

39 Weeks
Final Bump Photo.


  1. Looking great and Tyler is so handsome!

  2. Yay, new bump picture! New trimester! And I love the little detail in this picture and the last one from the second trimester where the bump makes your shirt pull out from your hips a little bit. I mean, I used to get annoyed constantly trying to pull my shirt down without exposing my entire rack (since I never found a maternity shirt that was able to accommodate my double-D-before-pregnancy boobs). It's a very "pregnancy" thing, though. :.)

  3. I love your bump pics!! You look fantastic!

  4. Love these pictures! And that's really smart to wear the same outfit in all of them.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Is it just me, or did you really pop between weeks 29 and 30?? Looking great, mama!

  7. Haven't checked this out in a while but you are looking great!

  8. Congratulations on making it to full term! So awesome! Good luck with the delivery!!
